Story by Justin Brouillard | Photos by Tanner & Travis Lyons
The final hours are upon us on Pickwick Lake and the fish are biting, for some! Notorious for not updating his unofficial Weigh Live Tracker throughout the day and then surprising fans at the scales, Patrick Walters is estimating around 18 pounds in his livewell. With other top anglers struggling, and Drew Cook not reporting on his tracker, Walters is enjoying the comfortable lead.
Starting the day in second place, Isaac Peavyhouse has had a slower final day. With one fish short of a limit, he has fallen to third place but has plenty of time, and room in his bag to make a move.
The biggest move of the day is Corey Casey climbing up the leaderboard with over 22 pounds on the day. Casey has increased his weight each day of the event and is looking to make a huge push on the final day.
In fourth place, Bailey Gay has also been consistent and is around 20 pounds so far. Behind him, John Branch went to work early this morning with a solid limit and is chipping away at a bag, looking for a few late culls this afternoon. Branch is unofficially in fifth place
Sixth place is occupied by Kyle Welcher who is around 15 pounds on the day, with plenty of time remaining. Drew Cook has a limit in the boat and is likely well within the top five.
Where is the current?
On the water photographers Tanner and Travis are reporting mixed action – very good for some, and very tough for the majority. The current is not moving which has most of the fish spread out and not positioned where they can be easily targeted. The sun is hot and the wind is lacking, the folks who check in later should be able to capitalize on the bite window and make a move.
The LIVE weigh-in this afternoon begins at 6:00 pm CST on TNPFL.com.
The top ten look like this:
Patrick Walters 64-0
Corey Casey 57-6
Isaac Peavyhouse 57-6
Bailey Gay 56-13
John Branch 56-7
Kyle Welcher 55-6
John Soukup 54-9
Trent Palmer 52-13
Hunter Sales 52-7
Mike Quinlin 49-11
Follow along on the Weigh Live Tracker for real-time unofficial updates from the water.
Check out the Morning Story and Launch Photo Gallery, here!