Swimming Upstream

NPFL President, Brad Fuller talks about what it means to be fearless.

Story by Brad Fuller | Photos by Tanner & Travis Lyons

As president of the NPFL, I’ve learned that there are two types of people in this world: those who let the noise dictate their actions and those who tune it out, put their heads down, and swim upstream. The mainstream narratives, critics, and keyboard warriors can be deafening. But here’s the truth: If you want to do something great, something meaningful, you have to embrace the idea of swimming upstream and sticking to your course.

In the world of professional fishing — and life in general — there’s always going to be someone telling you how things “should” be done. They say, “This is how it’s always been,” or “You have to follow the trend to stay relevant.” They peddle fear, uncertainty, and doubt, wrapping it up in a shiny package labeled “mainstream opinion.” But if you want to make a real impact, you have to be willing to stand up and fight against that narrative. You must have the courage to chart your own course, even when it feels like you’re the only one paddling against the current.

At the NPFL, we’ve made some tough calls that buck the trends. Most recently, our decision to prohibit forward-facing sonar (FFS) sent shockwaves through the fishing community. The noise was loud and immediate. Some people were quick to criticize, saying we were stuck in the past or afraid of innovation. But let me tell you something. This decision wasn’t about following the crowd or caving to pressure. It was about integrity, diversity, and preserving the sport as we know it. It was also a business decision that I believe will advance the interests and future of the league and the game.

We believe in offering our fans something different, something they can connect with on a deeper level. We believe in giving anglers a chance to showcase their skills in a way that isn’t dictated by the latest technological advancement. And if that means swimming upstream against the prevailing currents, so be it. We’re not here to follow. We’re here to lead.

Now, here’s the thing about swimming upstream: not everyone will understand why you’re doing it. The crowd will question you, criticize you, and sometimes even try to pull you back. But in those moments, look around you. Look at the people who stand by your side. The ones who truly believe in you will always be there, no matter the path you choose. They are there because they care about you on a different level. These are the people who see the bigger picture, who understand your vision and your values.

I’ve learned that in life, it’s not about having a lot of friends; it’s about having a few true friends who are “ride or die.” They’re here for you, not because it’s convenient for them or because they gain something from it, but because they genuinely care. They understand that swimming upstream isn’t about being stubborn or difficult. It’s about staying true to who you are and what you believe in.

I’ve been through battles before, and I’ve faced criticism from all sides. In the military, in business, and now in professional fishing, I’ve seen firsthand that there will always be those who try to tear you down when you decide to take a stand. But here’s the thing: true leadership is not about seeking approval or pandering to the loudest voices. It’s about making the tough choices, staying true to your values, and fighting for what you believe is right — even when it’s unpopular.

The Stoic philosophers talked about the importance of courage, wisdom, justice, and temperance. They knew that real strength comes not from avoiding the noise but from facing it head-on and saying, “I won’t be swayed by the whims of the crowd.” Courage is standing firm in your convictions, even when the world is shouting at you to back down. Wisdom is knowing when to listen and when to shut out the distractions. Justice is doing what’s right, not what’s easy. And temperance is maintaining your composure in the face of adversity.

So, to all the anglers out there, to all the fans, and to anyone who’s ever felt the pressure to conform, swim upstream. Do your thing. Fight against the mainstream narrative if it doesn’t align with your values. Be true to yourself, even when it’s hard … especially when it’s hard. And remember, the people who truly matter will be there for you. They’re in your corner, not for themselves, but for you.

Because at the end of the day, the noise will fade. The critics will move on to their next target, but the impact you make by staying true to your path, by swimming upstream and standing up for what you believe in, that will last. That’s what will define you. And that’s what we’re doing here at the NPFL. We’re not here to follow. We’re here to set the course. And if that means ruffling a few feathers along the way, so be it.

We’re here to show the world what it means to be truly fearless … what it means to be the NPFL.

Picture of The League

The League

Since the NPFL launched in 2021, the goal has remained the same: To prioritize anglers and establish a trail that aligns with the original intentions of competive bass fishing's founders.

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