Ready for Work at the Best Job I Know

NPFL Pro, Hunter Baughman keeps living the dream on the tournament trail.

Story by Hunter Baughman | Photos by Tanner & Travis Lyons

Let’s go back to Florida! That’s right December 8-13 we are headed back to DeLand and the St Johns River. This will be the make-up event for the hurricane cancellation a couple of weeks ago.

I’m a diehard hunter. Anything November through January cuts into that hunting time. I normally never fish in those months. I think I’ve fished one tournament in December in my life.

Truth is, as much as I love to hunt, it’s not my job. Promoting my sponsors through fishing and motivational speaking is my job. If that means I need to fish in December to do my job, that’s what I’ll do. And it’ll be like the old Larry Hagman quote: “I’m just happy to be here.”

I feel like there’s a life lesson in there. Your job doesn’t have to be fishing. But whatever it is, do it to the best of your ability. Through my speaking engagements, I’ve talked to lots of kids and I tell them the same thing. 

If you’re on the football, basketball, baseball or some other team and aren’t putting in 100% effort in every practice and every game, then quit. There’s no point in being in the way and taking up other people’s time. The fact is, if you’re not putting in the effort, someone else will outwork you. And when the big game comes, they will be the star on the field while you sit on the bench and watch.

Same goes for fishing … and for most normal 8-to-5 jobs. Hard work can’t be bought. You can accept mediocrity, or you can reap the rewards of your sweat and tears.

I am living the dreams I once had for many aspects of my life. So, when we get to Florida, I’ll be there with a smile on my face. And I’ll be ready to do my dream job.

Picture of The League

The League

Since the NPFL launched in 2021, the goal has remained the same: To prioritize anglers and establish a trail that aligns with the original intentions of competive bass fishing's founders.

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