Competitive Camaraderie

NPFL Pro, Todd Goade talks about the bonds and memories you make along the trail.

Story by Todd Goade | Photos by Tanner & Travis Lyons

The bass fishing world is a big one, from the local Tuesday nighters all the way up to the professional ranks. Everybody has their buddies they cut up with, which makes all the time on and off the water even more special.

On the NPFL, it’s no different. I travel with Angel Rosario who lives in Michigan, but we always talk a couple of times a week between events and between seasons about anything and everything. We help each other with tips, baits, and really anything that comes up. It’s like we’re brothers from another mother. He’s an amazing dude. We also talk a lot of trash!

There’s another group of us that are always cutting up, helping each other, and there for each other when needed. Patrick Walters, Trent Palmer, and Mike Corbishley are in that group. When I’m on the phone with Trent, he likes to secretly add Patrick or Mike to the call and try to bait me into saying something about them. He’s about 0 for 20 on this, so far.

The two hours before taking off at each event are the best. Usually, we’re all tied up boat to boat finishing up last minute preparations, but mostly it’s cutting up and giving each other a hard time. More than once, someone has needed something the other guy has in the truck, and we hand them the keys, no questions asked. Just lock it when you’re done. The laughter those two hours bring set up each day to be a positive one. We’ve solved a lot of the world’s problems in those two hours.

Last year at the final event of the season at Lake Lanier in Georgia, on our off day, Quentin Cappo needed a prop. He called Patrick and asked if he had one. Patrick didn’t, but he suggested that Quentin call me. We met up about an hour later and I gave him the prop. I believe he finished in the top 10 in that event, and he was so appreciative. Again, that’s what we do in this bass fishing community. No questions asked.

The tournament itself is serious business, but the camaraderie with your buddies — the bonds and memories you make — last forever. I know professional anglers that have been retired from the sport for many years, and they tell me the same thing — the camaraderie never changes. Some of them have said they should write a book because the stories are too good to be lost.

This is a special sport we all love and when we get to share those experiences with our buddies, that makes it even sweeter. All the way from hoisting the Progressive AOY trophy last year to winning a Tuesday nighter, the bonds, memories, and people are what makes it special.

Next time you’re fishing a tournament, talk a little extra trash to your buddies, they deserve it.

Picture of The League

The League

Since the NPFL launched in 2021, the goal has remained the same: To prioritize anglers and establish a trail that aligns with the original intentions of competive bass fishing's founders.

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