Story by Justin Brouillard | Video by Tanner & Travis Lyons
Discover the captivating journey of Matt Massey, a plumber-turned-angler seeking solace and fulfillment through fishing. After four decades of plumbing in Denver, Matt traded shovels for surfboards, making the move to the sunny shores of Saint Augustine, Florida. Yearning to fish year-round and fueled by childhood memories of both grandfathers casting lines, Matt found his sanctuary in the Sunshine State. His youthful passion for bass fishing grew into a lifelong pursuit and all started by bike rides to distant fishing spots and beating seasoned anglers in his first bass club, the Lake Wood Anglers in Colorado.
With a plumbing career spanning 44 years, Matt’s expertise didn’t end when he left Denver. In Florida, he founded First Coast Home Solutions, specializing in plumbing and gas line installations, keeping him busy and providing the flexibility to fish in the NPFL. The turning point came three years ago when Matt faced the loss of his mother to pancreatic cancer. In the wake of her passing, the NPFL extended an invitation, and Matt believes it was his mother’s influence that paved the way. Grateful for her unwavering support, he sees fishing as a chance to share his passion with others. Join Matt Massey’s heartfelt journey in the NPFL’s Original Film, presented by The National Professional Fishing League and Progressive Insurance – “My Story with Matt Massey.”