Day One Begins at Saginaw Bay

Stop #4 of the 2024 Season is on with the NPFL Pros taking on the weather and Saginaw Bay.

Story by Justin Brouillard | Photos by Tanner & Travis Lyons

The NPFL returns to Michigan for stop number four in 2024 and to the familiar venue in Bay City. Saginaw Bay has hosted the NPFL anglers and their families the previous couple of seasons and the fishing has been top-notch!

In 2022, Gary Adkins took the title on Saginaw Bay by braving the elements and making the run to his smallmouth areas. Managing five bites a day is tough, but it sealed the victory over Trent Palmer by just 4-ounces. Palmer used the close loss as motivation last year as he earned the narrow win over his roommate Patrick Walters by just 2-ounces. It took 62 pounds, 12 ounces in 2023, over 10 pounds more than the 52 pounds, 13 ounces in 2022. With a larger field, lost time during practice due to storms, and projected winds for the tournament, the decisions the anglers have to face will make for a great event.

Hunter Sales got off to a delayed start to his practice period as he drove straight through from the College Championship event where he supported his team at Carson Newman University. Getting on the water about noon on day one, he was greeted by the vast water of Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay.

“I have never been up here before but I did a lot of homework beforehand and this place is huge,” said Sales. “I have fished Ontario, but for some reason, you get here and the place is big. I feel like this week will require getting on the motor and covering water. With the long days, we should have time.”

Sitting near the top of the Progressive Angler of the Year Race, Sales has been working hard all year and focusing each event on getting the win. With lost time in practice, and having some fish move on him from pre-practice, Sales is going to play it safe, to an extent, and see how the day goes before deciding on where he is willing to run.

“I found some fish before the off-limits but they have moved, and with a limited practice, I decided to focus on largemouth, and I am a little sour about it,” laughed Sales. “I am going to try and give myself a shot to get paid, but I know what it takes to excel here and I know how to fish for the smallmouth. I will not be nervous to abandon my plan if things are not working out, or if I can get a solid bag early.”

With some wind coming throughout the event, where and when he will be able to run is yet to be determined. He is willing to gamble and spend time throughout the event practicing and continuing to sample the smallmouth water, if needed, based on his ability to move.

“I did prep for different winds, but throughout practice, where I thought I could fish for one wind was not the case, and I learned a few things, and am confident in my shallow patterns,” he added. “If you find yourself in a dead zone, you can go a while without getting bit, but subtle key areas can be replicated, so I am not worried about moving around to cover water, and depending on the wind, you can run from East to West as needed to find new water.”

Weather Watch 

For many anglers, a trip to the North in late summer is a breath of fresh air. This week on Saginaw will be no different as launch temperatures will be in the low 60s this morning with highs for the day creeping to the mid 70s. The winds, while expected to get worse throughout the week, will be 5 to 10 MPH from the ENE for day one.

How to Watch  

Tune in daily from August 29 through 31 to watch daily action from Bay City, Michigan and Saginaw Bay with Live Coverage here and on the FREE PHYX TV App beginning this today from 9 to 9 EST.    

Follow along and watch the daily LIVE Leaderboard, Weigh Live Tracker, and on-the-water photo galleries and blogs of the anglers on Saginaw Bay.    

Under the Go Live Tab, choose LIVE Broadcast or check out the real-time leaderboard on the Weigh Live Tracker with estimated weights entered by the anglers on the water and join us for the LIVE Weigh-ins, here!    

And be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, & Twitter.

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The League

Since the NPFL launched in 2021, the goal has remained the same: To prioritize anglers and establish a trail that aligns with the original intentions of competive bass fishing's founders.

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